Monday, May 17, 2010

Descry - Opening My Eyes to the Lessons

Pronunciation: \di-ˈskrī\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): de•scried; de•scry•ing
Etymology: Middle English descrien to proclaim, reveal, from Anglo-French *descrier, alteration of Old French decrier —
Date: 14th century
1 a : to catch sight of
2 obsolete : to make known

The weekend is hard to describe. It contained moments of laughter and new acquaintances. Tranquil times watching birds and taking naps. I also experienced times of sadness and conflict. I realize this is not unusual, nor should it be unexpected. However, it does make it difficult navigate on an emotional plane.

So looking at my two fundamental issues – fear and insecurity – I have to process these experiences through that lens. What reactions came from fear and/or insecurity? What growth came from walking forward through the fear or insecurity? In “practicing the present” what lessons need to be learned; what things are there to be grateful for?

My gratitude list is long and varied. It includes those birds, gardening, chatting with a local artist at the Saturday while visiting “my painting.” I am grateful for sleep, for my children, for good books, for walking away from the 19” flat screen TV on sale at WalMart.

My lessons include practicing composure under pressure, reassessing my openness and trust, affirming my faith, setting boundaries, and like a child who needs constant reteaching … believing that it is not just OK to take care of myself, but necessary for health and productivity.

What Worked for Me This Weekend
Laughing at myself

If you haven’t visited the Saturday Market in McMinnville, it’s worth the trip. Off of 5th street in the granary district, you will find food, art, music and a pleasant way to start your day. If you want to see “my painting” stop by the enclosed art gallery inside the market and look at the rust, yellow and burnt sienna clouds.

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