Pronunciation: \suh-fish-uh nt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin sufficiens, supplying the needs of
Date: 1359
1. adequate for the purpose; enough:
2. Logic . (of a condition) such that its existence leads to the occurrence of a given event or the existence of a given thing.
3. Archaic . competent.
In reviewing the year, it is clear I was given what was sufficient to make it through each day. Some days that was a warm bed, pillows to drown the sobs and time to mourn. It was the patience and empathy of friends.
Other days it was work and all that encompasses. There were times of laughter, of discovery, of adventure, of personal inventory. Evenings and weekends filled with good company, good food, comforting and enlightening Al Anon meetings, books and music and crafts. There trips to Eugene and to Los Angeles. There were sunsets and snows and rain ~ barbecues and wine and playing with Marty the pug.
There were lessons about mindfulness, powerlessness, change by letting go, prayer, meditation, and meeting God in the moment. There were arguments with the committee in my head and arguments with committees in the school district. There was grief and celebration, brokenness and healing, falling and getting up (literally and spiritually). There was and is the gift of hope.
David’s sponsor used to say, when David was feeling particularly happy – “This too shall pass.” It still unsettles me, even though it is true. Today’s joy and serenity will be challenged in the year to come. Life on life’s terms means meeting the day, whatever it brings. However, I carry hope and faith with me, knowing that I will be given what is sufficient to meet each day.
Blessings to all of you of a peace that passes all understanding.
What Worked for Me Today
Doing my relaxation Yoga last night which translated into a great night’s sleep. Eating mindfully. Enjoying the sun and cold. Packing away Christmas!
Zombies – yep! Episode 5 of “Bite Me” was posted on You Tube last night!
Note: Not suitable for kids.
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