Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ululate - Letting Go


Pronunciation: \ UHL-uh-layt\
Function: verb
Etymology: from Latin ululāre to howl, from ulula screech owl]
Date: 1623
1. to howl or wail, as with grief

Yesterday my son raised his right hand, took an oath and gave himself to the United States Government. I am not sure that he is the one who should have been asked. Perhaps, just perhaps, if we asked the mothers and sisters and girlfriends in the room, perhaps the answer would be different.
It is difficult for me to have Jacob gone on many levels.

Politically I have been opposed to registration for the draft since I was in college. I have developed the belief that either we all serve, or no one serves – a model not too dissimilar to Israel. Unfortunately, that has not meant the lessoning of hostility or the need for the military, but it has leveled the playing field.

I am also jaded. I begrudgingly had to admit that at least the contract that Jacob signed was honest. In my words (not theirs) the contract read “We may hand you a gun and tell you to kill people.” These first two arguments are the same for any child looking at the military.

That is just it – child. Jacob is my son. I did not give him to the United States Government. They do not have my permission to take him. They did not ask me.

So I join a group of people – not just mothers – but fathers and brothers, sons and daughters as well, whose loved one can’t come when we need or want them. They can’t answer the phone. They aren’t home for birthdays and holidays, picnics or trips to the vet.

We are not there to hold them, feed them, laugh or cry with them. We cannot watch over them when they are sick or scared, bored or challenged.

We wait. We get up and make coffee. We go to work. We clean the house. We go on. But we go on with an empty place at the table and an ache in our hearts.

Yes, this is day one. And though there are hundreds more like it to come – this is the only day I have. So I pray for Jacob, giving him to G-d , and get on with my day.

What Worked for Me Today
Writing - Prayer - and a massage at 10:00 a.m.

Main Web Page for Lackland AFB in Texas

Basic Training Website - I couldn't get past the first video.

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